Weird spacing between lines in word
Weird spacing between lines in word

weird spacing between lines in word

This seems to be some kind of glitch in the coding of the application maybe? I am not sure. I have tried removing bullets and retyping it all out from scratch, using just the bullet button on the toolbar to begin a new bulleted list completely (so using whatever default bullet setting OO Writer is set to use - I'm not including fancy symbols or editing to use different bullets than the default etc.). Spacing in the lines of the first bullet point information is much tighter than in the remaining bulleted information. Note 2 of the bullets (1st and 3rd) are differently sized than the others. Here is a screenshot of one bulleted section where the formatting is wonky. Hi and thank you for the time in responding. This should at least make sure that all the items have the same bullet settings. Turn on the bullets (click the toolbar button once) Turn off the bullets (click the toolbar button, maybe twice, until the bullets are off) Here's the best approach I know of to cleaning up list formatting:

weird spacing between lines in word weird spacing between lines in word

Even then, I could have guessed wrong about the problem and fiddling with it could make things worse. I don't know of any quick fix, beyond possibly setting the line spacing to "fixed" and manually forcing everything to have even spacing. Unfortunately, it's hard to say for sure without having the document to examine. A bullet can also be scaled, so its size may simply be larger than the text line height. OO Writer often uses a different font for the bullet symbol and the symbol font is slightly larger than the text font and thus changes the line spacing. ) it can be difficult to straighten out.Īt any rate, the usual culprit with uneven spacing in bullet lists comes from the bullet symbols. Once you start using direct formatting (toolbars, Format > Paragraph >. The best way to get consistent, manageable formatting in OO is to use styles exclusively. Greetings and welcome to the community forum! I just need an easy way to create ONE well formatted set of bullets that is consistent and be able to create the exact same look throughout my document wherever I need to use bullets so that the document is uniform. It doesn't seem to make a whole lot of difference. and made them all consistent so there is no additional space before or after in the menu section where you would input 0.21 or whatever. I should add - I have checked paragraph details on the bulleted sections, for spacing/alignment etc. I apologize if it does mirror another topic on same - I've not found it. Any help identifying/resolving the issue would be much appreciated! I have read through a number of other topics created by other users with bullet formatting issues but I can't seem to find one that specifically covers mine and I'm on the clock atm - so figured I would just create a post. I have been trying to resolve this matter myself for literally months and it's starting to make me insane. OR, in some cases, one position on my resume's bullets have one type of spacing/bullet type, where another position uses slightly (or distinctly) different spacing/bullet size.

weird spacing between lines in word

It will seemingly, arbitrarily create new paragraph spacing "rules" between lines - usually the last line of a list of bullets will have additional spacing that the others don't. I keep coming up against a problem with OO Writer where the bulleted line spacing is inconsistent.

Weird spacing between lines in word professional#

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Weird spacing between lines in word